My apologies for the long absence. I have been working a lot of hours. I have been out of town on the weekends - I will tell you all about that soon. And I have been ill. It started with a viral sinus infection, extending to a secondary bacterial infection, and now it seems I have got bronchitis as well. I am still running a fever on and off, so if I say something really crazy, please know that it's not me. My husband has called my recent illness "forced relaxation." After all, I didn't come into work for an entire day on Saturday, and only for a little bit on Sunday. That's definitely a divergence from my regular schedule. Today, even my boss attempted to send me home to sleep. (I do have the best boss ever, as in EVER). In truth, I do love my work. Without boring you to death, I will just say that I use very cool imaging modalities to document and calculate the physical dynamics of single HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) virion release. And despite the day-to-day frustration, it's just about the most awesome thing in the whole wide world.
So how are you invisi-peeps? If you are out there reading, take pity on me and my fever and leave a comment to let me know how you are doing! I am definitely not above using my sickness for your attention :-) - but I do miss you all.
In any case, back in this post, Hien asked me about Autumn in New York. Before I go on with my fever-talk, I will leave you with a few images I just took from Central Park. (Yes, the leaves are NOW turning colors). These are completely untouched - I haven't learned the Photoshop Elements software I just downloaded yet - maybe one of you could teach me that :-). I am new to this whole photography thing.
Autumn in New York comes with the most beautiful colors.
From the largest trees that proudly display the golden hue of Fall,
to the smallest branches that are desperately holding on to the youthful green of Summer.
Here and there, you can even spot red and blue,
but the fountain retains a silver shade of forever amidst seasonal changes.
All that beauty of nature is nestled in a city where sky scrapers are a part of our landscape,

where couples walk through Central Park hands in hands,
and where we sing songs about Autumn in New York.
A. W.
Darling, I hope you'll get well soon, you've been sick for far too long :c
Your photos are AWESOME and I'm AWESTRUCK!!! I love the fountain one, and the skyscrapers, and the couple! I'll visit you one day. Definitely! Hx
You are too good to me :-). Thanks! I have no idea what I am doing - but the scenery is so beautiful it's impossible not to take pictures.
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